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Over the last five years we have worked in conjunction with Basketball England to deliver the Level 3 Certificate at various venues across the country to suit the needs of learners. Generally, there was demand for one course of 12 learners per year.

In light of the pandemic we collectively asked, is it realistic to deliver the level 3 virtually? With having access to an online platform to provide virtual classrooms and distanced learning and an agreed method of video assessment for the formative practical and summative match assessment,  we have the basis to deliver remotely. However our big question was how can we see the coaches coach? Our solution was to ask the coaches to video themselves coaching an individual, team offence and team defence sessions and send these as a “showreel”. The learners will be supported with an exclusive learner website with further resources and explanations of how to complete and a link to their 1st4sport online portfolio to demonstrate progress.

We advertised in early July and have been inundated with applications. Following an assessment process of suitability, we now have three cohorts of twelve learners and a four cohort taking shape for September.

Four sessions will be delivered virtually with follow up one-to-one sessions. This will enable to coaches to go into this season planning the year round programme as required by the qualification. The virtual sessions are backed up by short videos from expert coaches to stimulate the learners thinking in the areas of the Basketball England “play-book” and also their own philosophy to coaching. These guest coaching videos are exclusive and include national and NBA coaches.

We feel that going virtual will provide learners with an enhanced experience and also support accessibility to the level 3 coaching qualification.

Find out more here