We approached England Korfball upon seeing an advertisement for a board member who was needed to support the development of their education provision. In conversations with the governing body, Katherine Robinson became a board member with the specific remit of supporting the creation and development of a coach education programme. In doing so, as a company, we also supported the reorganisation of the Korfball board and developed a more skills-based approach to recruitment of board members that highlighted the competencies needed to drive the governing body forward....
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We developed a new level one and level two qualification based on the coaching standards (accredited and non-accredited). These were integrated into existing Korfball provision leading to a significant increase in the quality and quantity of coaches nationally. Additionally, we supported the development of an activator and teaching Korfball course. Alongside the development of a coach education programme, we supported England Korfball with administration and membership services to increase customer satisfaction and allow for a central point for clubs to contact....
As a non-funded, small sport, we further identified with the governing body the need to develop the club infrastructure. We therefore developed a club accreditation programme that mapped to the national programme of Clubmark and also provided the development structure for existing and emerging clubs. The England Korfball Inspired programme led to a national panel being put in place to manage the accreditation and development of clubs, with a group of ambassadors to support clubs to turn the criteria into reality. The programme has led to an awareness of what a good club should look like, standardising the approach across the country and an increase in the number and size of clubs across the board....
We have also worked alongside England Korfball to support the commercial growth of the sport itself. This led to the sport being able to appoint its first development officer which enabled further growth in the sport through an increase in the geographical spread of the sport. Sport Structures hosts this member of staff and line manages to ensure consistent support and guidance. This holistic approach to developing the governing body has seen a growth in their membership, the quality of the competition and an increase in coaches leading to an approved international provision....
As a result of this project England Korfball benefited from additional support in key areas which led to significant growth in the sport, without the need for Sport England investment. As a result of our work on this project this has led us to further models being developed for small sports, for example EPSB, BAFA and others....