Sport Structures is committed to safeguarding and aims to create a culture of vigilance; we expect everyone who works at the company and with us, to share this commitment. Our staff take all welfare concerns seriously and encourage children and adults to talk about anything that worries them. We will always act in their best interest. We pay close attention to, and work within the legislative safeguarding requirements documented in ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ (September 2021), and the statutory Prevent duty.
We recognise that safeguarding and child protection is an essential part of the duty of care to all learners. Everyone working for Sport Structures shares an objective to keep children and adults safe by:
Providing a safe environment for children and adults where they can learn and thrive |
Establishing and maintaining an environment where children and adults feel confident to talk and are listed to |
Our policy
Safeguarding and Prevent Policy, Strategy and Procedures ![]() |
Prevent Disclosure Form ![]() |
Safeguarding Disclosure Form ![]() |
Advice and Guidance
What are you required to do?
The following points illustrate the processes to use when there are concerns about possible abuse of a child or young person. You may not need to follow every part of the process if the concern is resolved at an earlier stage.
If you think a child is in immediate danger, call the police.
It's important to remember that the welfare of the child is of paramount concern. However, it is not up to you to decide whether or not a child has been abused, but to report concerns appropriately.
Support is available should you need it, through your governing body, statutory social care services and the NSPCC, as well as directly from the Child Protection in Sport Unit.
For further information, see the CPSU guidance on Putting safeguards in place.
If you have concerns about the welfare of a child
Is the child in immediate danger or are they injured?
- If yes, contact the emergency services
Report the concern:
- If you are an employer or learner with us, refer to our safeguarding policy or your handbook (if you are an apprentice or employer)
- If you're affiliated to a national governing body, refer to their safeguarding procedures about who to report the concerns to
- If your club or activity isn’t affiliated to a governing body, you can seek support from the active partnership (previously county sports partnership) or your local children’s social care (social services)
- If there's no one else available to help, contact the police
Ensure you keep a record of your concern and how you reported it.
Key Organisations
Safeguarding Leads
Jobeth Hamilton | Interim Designated Safeguarding Lead
Contact Me:
07917 388166
Sport Structures, Suite 8, The Cloisters, 12 George Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 1NP

Katherine Percival | Designated Safeguarding Lead (Currently on maternity leave)
Contact Me:
07917 388174
Sport Structures, Suite 8, The Cloisters, 12 George Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 1NP

Contact Me:
07766 768474
Sport Structures, Suite 8, The Cloisters, 12 George Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 1NP

Our Courses

UK Coaching Safeguarding and Protecting Children Workshop
Accredited by UK Coaching, this workshop will raise your awareness of the tell-tale signs of abuse and give you the tools and confidence you need to deal with any issues sensitively, appropriately and effectively should the need ever arise in your coaching career.

CPSU Time to Listen Workshop
Time to Listen is an interactive workshop developed by the NSPCC’s Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU). This workshop is appropriate Club Welfare Officers within sport. The workshop is designed to give Welfare Officers confidence and to support them in their role. There is plenty of opportunity to talk to others and share good practice.

Level 1 - Safe Coaching Practice Unit
This module covers: The factors that influence health and safety in sport and physical activity, The process of carrying out safety checks as part of an assistant coaches role, Principles of duty of care towards participants, How to follow emergency procedures understand the principles of safeguarding children and adults at risk, How to maintain safety in a coaching environment

Level 2 - Duty of care in Sport Unit
This module covers: What duty of care means in sport, Types of abuse and how to recognise the signs and symptoms, The steps to take action if you have concerns, Key organisations that exist to support with safeguarding, What information should be treated as confidential in your role as a coach