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About Your Apprenticeship


What is an Apprenticeship?
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An Apprenticeship is a combination of a job and an approved training programme where you learn and gain valuable experiences. Each Apprenticeship is aligned to a standard which is referred to as an ‘Apprenticeship standard’ and Apprenticeships range from level 2 to level 7. Apprenticeship standards are designed by industry experts and outline the Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviours (KSBs) that must be demonstrated for a specific job role.

During an Apprenticeship, you must spend at least an average of 6 hours of your working week undertaking learning and training that relates to your Apprenticeship standard. This is called off-the-job (OTJ) training and will give you the opportunity to demonstrate how you can apply your learning to your role.

Once all learning requirements have been met, you can progress towards your End-Point Assessment (EPA). This is an independent assessment for you to demonstrate that you are competent in the KSBs outlined in the Apprenticeship standard.


Qualification Information

Undertaking an apprenticeship will provide you with;

Apprenticeship Standard

A certificate to show that you have met the necessary KSBs and have completed an EPA to prove your competence in the apprenticeship standard and the job role it aligns to.

Accredited Qualifications

Depending on the apprenticeship you undertake, there may be mandatory qualifications to complete as part of the apprenticeship requirements or there may be opportunities to complete additional qualifications to support your career development and your tutor/assessor can advise you further on this.

Maths and English Skills (Functional Skills)

English and maths are an integral part of Apprenticeship standards. In order to proceed through Gateway to the End-Point Assessment (EPA), you are required to provide evidence of attainment in English and maths in the form of an accepted qualification at the appropriate level for your Apprenticeship.

If you have not already achieved an English and/or maths qualification at the required level, you will study towards gaining your English and/or maths Functional Skills qualifications as part of your Apprenticeship programme. The results from your Initial and Diagnostic Assessments will be used to provide accurate teaching, learning and skills building for the areas identified where you need additional support.

If you have already achieved qualifications in English and/or maths at the required level, you will be exempt from completing Functional Skills qualification(s) if you can provide suitable evidence. If you cannot provide this evidence you will be required to complete the relevant Functional Skills qualification(s). If by providing evidence you are exempt from completing Functional Skills qualification(s), we will continue to embed maths and English skills into your ongoing study and will use your diagnostic to identify areas for improvement.


Your Rights as an Apprentice

As an apprentice, you have the same rights as any other member of staff. Should you have any concerns regarding your rights as an apprentice, in the first instance, please contact your apprenticeship Tutor/Assessor.

Job Title and Description

As an apprentice you must have an assigned job description and title. You should have a list of your duties including your start date, details of any probationary period and the duration of the contract. If you are employed on a fixed term contract, it must exceed the duration of the apprenticeship (including EPA) that you are working towards.

Contract of Employment

It is a legal requirement that all apprentices have a contract of employment.

Hours of Work

The employer will set the hours of work that you will be contracted to complete. Apprentices are subject to the Working Time Regulations and as such apprentices aged 16-18 should not exceed 40 hours per week. Apprenticeship aged 19+ should not be contracted to work more than 48 hours per week. Where any apprentice works less than 30 hours a week the programme will be extended proportionately from our standard durations to comply with government rules. This includes temporary periods but excludes holidays and other occasions under legal rights to time off.


Your level of pay will be decided by your employer and should be detailed in your contract of employment. It is a legal requirement that your employer complies with the Minimum Wage Act. All employees should be given itemised pay statements.

Minimum wage information can be found by clicking here and must be paid for the time spent at work and training as part of the apprenticeship.

Annual Leave

As an Apprentice you are subject to the same working regulations as all other staff members and minimum annual leave entitlements should be set out in your contract of employment. Apprentices should accrue their annual leave from the first day of employment.

Disciplinary, Grievance Procedures and Sickness

Apprentices are to be treated in the same way as all other employees. Therefore, you should be made aware of your disciplinary and grievance procedures at the start of your employment and the procedures to be followed in the event of sickness.

Features and Benefits of Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships come with a number of features and benefits which include:

  • Gaining an industry-recognised qualification
  • Hands-on-experience in a role of interest
  • Experience to support your professional development
  • Regular and personalised support
  • Exposure to industry professionals


As an apprentice you are also eligible for the NUS Apprentice Extra Card which provides discounts instore and online at popular brands to make your hard earned cash go further. More details can be found by clicking here.