Safeguarding is the term used to define the actions we take to promote the welfare of individuals and protect them from harm, abuse, and exploitation. We are committed to providing a safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environment for everyone. Every member of staff has a responsibility to help ensure your safety and wellbeing.
A safeguarding concern is: “Anything that may cause worry about another person or contributes to a person feeling uncomfortable or unsure about the safety or welfare of someone else or themselves (including indications of potential radicalisation and expression of extremist views)”
Safeguarding concerns can include:
- Abuse—including physical, psychological, emotional, sexual, financial and neglect
- Discrimination
- Homelessness
- Mental health issues
- Physical health issues
- Substance use
- Radicalisation
- Concerns about welfare of friends, family or neighbours
As part of our duty of care to you, it is important for you to understand the following:
- If you have a safeguarding concern about yourself or someone else, it is important you tell someone you trust or you may chose to contact one of the organisations on the Safeguarding Contacts List below.
- We have robust safeguarding arrangements in place and more details on this can be found in our Safeguarding and Prevent Policy and Procedures here and on our Safeguarding Poster here
- We have a duty of care to all of our learners, where there is risk of harm we will need to take action. We will treat any safeguarding suspicions or disclosures with professionalism and care.
- We have to work on the assumption that sexual harassment and online sexual abuse is happening, so we will check for this even when no reports are made
- Depending on the nature of the safeguarding concern, information may have to be shared with your Tutor/Assessor, their manager, or the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). It may also be appropriate for information to be shared with external organisations in order to get appropriate help
The Prevent Strategy is part of the Government’s Counter Terrorism Strategy (CONTEST). Prevent is a multi-agency approach to safeguarding people at risk of radicalisation (e.g. being drawn into extremist groups, including terrorist groups).
As part of the strategy, we have a legal duty to “pay due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.”
The radicalisation process is very similar to a grooming process for abuse. Often individuals can be made to change their behaviour and can end up supporting extremist groups when they maybe wouldn’t have chosen to do so before.
Prevent is about helping the individual to change before it’s too late. If we become concerned about you or someone else, and believe radicalisation may be happening, it may be appropriate for us to involve Channel. This is a process designed to support the individual and reverse the radicalisation process through input from different agencies.
The internet is an amazing tool for learning, gathering information, meeting people, sharing experiences, shopping and more.
Your wellbeing is our top priority, so keep these tips in mind to ensure your online experience is both enjoyable and safe.
1) Keep private information private
Sharing personal information can make you vulnerable to identify theft, cyberstalking, and other issues. Think twice before you put anything on the web, and make sure the information is suitable for all eyes.
Before you make any internet purchases, check the company’s privacy policy. If they don’t guarantee to safeguard your personal data, shop elsewhere. If you shop online keep a close eye on your bank or payment activity. If you notice purchases that you have not made, contact them immediately.
Phishing involves creating sites or sending e-mails that appear to be from a legitimate company asking you to confirm personal information. Most reputable sites will not contact you in this way so be wary of any messages asking you for information such as bank account numbers and passwords. If in doubt do not share.
2) Keep your accounts secure
It’s tempting to choose a password that is really easy to remember, such as your birth date or favourite sports team, but these kind of passwords leave you open to identify theft and fraud. Create a password that contains:
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Eight or more characters |
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Numbers as well as letters |
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Upper and lower case letters |
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Special characters e.g. % @ |
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No personal information |
3) Keep yourself safe
Many people online are not who they say they are. If you use an online platform such as social media or a dating site to arrange a personal meeting with someone, always meet them in a public place. Before you go your meeting, tell a trusted friend or colleague where you’re going and be sure to ask them to check up on you at an agreed time later in the day.
Able Futures
Support for mental health at work.
0800 321 3137
Action for Happiness
Ideas and resources to support and promote happiness and kindness.
Support for those affected by eating disorders.
0808 801 0677
Bullying UK (part of Family Lives)
Information and advice for victims of bullying
0808 800 2222
Care Quality Commission
For those with concerns about a child or adult
03000 616161
Child Exploitation and Online Protection
For reporting inappropriate online chat or behaviour.
0870 000 3344
Counselling service for children and young people
0800 1111
Children’s Rights Alliance
Guidance on safeguarding and promoting the rights of children and young people.
020 3174 2279
Citizen Aid
Support to help save lives following major incidents.
Cruse Bereavement Care
Helping bereaved people to cope with their loss.
0808 808 1677
Domestic Violence UK
Support for those affected by domestic abuse.
Drink Aware
Advice about alcohol and issues relating to its misuse.
020 7766 9900
To be contacted in an emergency.
Equality and Human Rights Commission
Independent body for the elimination of unlawful discrimination.
Get Connected
Advice and information about mental health, dual diagnosis and addiction.
0203 993 5571
Advice and support for single parents.
0207 428 5400
Advice and information about drugs and legal highs.
0300 123 6600
Hub of Hope
Online database of all local and national mental health support services in the UK.
Learning disability support.
0808 808 1111
Supports individuals and families coping with mental health difficulties
0300 123 3393
National Centre for Domestic Abuse
Helps victims of domestic violence.
0800 970 2070
National Bullying Helpline
Support for victims of bullying.
0845 225 5787
National Debtline
Support with financial and debt problems.
0808 808 4000
National Prevent Hotline
The team to contact to report concerns about radicalisation or extremism.
0800 789 321
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
Support for anyone with thoughts of suicide or self-harm.
0808 689 5652
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
For those with concerns about a child.
0808 800 5000
NHS Direct
Support and guidance on medical issues
Relationship counselling and support.
0300 100 1234
Mental health support service for apprentices.
0300 456 8114
The Samaritans
Confidential support and advise for anyone in distress.
116 123
The Samaritans
Confidential support and advise for anyone in distress.
116 123
The Site
Online guide and support on a range of issues for 16-25 year olds.
Disability advice.
0808 800 3333
Information and support for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender individuals and communities.
Think U Know
Guidance on internet safety.
UK Internet Safety
Resources and guidance on internet safety