It is fantastic that people planning, and people development are such a focus for the sport and physical sector across the UK right now. It seems obvious really when you think about it - people are essential to facilitate the delivery of our product of sport; they hold the key to tackling inequalities and ensuring everyone has a positive experience and can thrive. Organisations can only achieve their strategic ambitions with high-quality, happy people, fulfilling the roles required. There are many challenges though – changing face of volunteering, workforce gaps, greater expectations, underrepresentation of key demographic groups, cost of living crisis, and often confusing employment pathways to name a few.
Our vision at Sport Structures is to transform sport and physical activity through empowering and inspiring people. I love the fact that people are central to everything we do at Sport Structures, from the pitch to the Board room. We have a depth of knowledge and experience in this field including training needs analysis and workforce insight, strategy and workforce planning, education and training, learning development, apprenticeships, mentoring, coach development, workforce diversity and inclusion, workforce culture and delivery. | ![]() ![]() |
People planning provides the opportunity to understand your strategy in terms of your people – your current state versus your desired state. Key questions to consider as a starter for ten:
- What roles do you need (quantity, level, function, location etc.) and how do these differ to what you have now?
- Do you understand your people? Who are they in terms of their demographics and what they do? Who isn’t on the poolside or in the head office and why? What is their experience like?
- Are you recruiting the right people for the right roles for now and in the future?
- What are their motivations and aspirations? What are their training needs now and in the future? Where are they heading and what might prevent them from achieving their aspirations?
- What is the ideal candidate for the roles you need to fill? Not just their qualifications and knowledge but how they positively contribute towards culture and values, and what skills they need?
- How do you develop and look after your people? What do they need to be supported, successful, motivated, and retained? Who is leading the charge?
- Are your policies and processes inclusive and champion diversity.
We look forward to supporting more organisations in the development process and implementation around people plans.

Senior Consultancy Manager
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